
Saturday, May 26, 2018

May 23, 2018 Affirmation

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Seed of joyous hope
From the center of my heart
Find the light of God.
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In the spring when new life comes up from the dark fecund earth, to reach towards the sun, one can not but help having a sense of hope and potential. That little seed we see pushing up through the earth began her life with vigor and determination. Some of her sister seeds never got this far, they gave up and never reached the surface of the land …. And that was just the beginning. This earth life, as beautiful as it is … is not always easy. It is a battleground. We can be warriors. We can be victims.
Juxtaposing new growth on the land to the fertile ground of our mind, I find myself considering what we now recognize as the neuroplasticity of the brain. Until recently those in the western world have given themselves a ‘free pass’ on emotions as being out of their control. Modern western science is learning what the Yogis have long known – there are mind tools that can assist in expanding into the light of joy and success.
One very simple method of working with emotions is in the use of affirmation. Whether we think it affirmation or not – any phrase or thought we repeat over and over through our day creates our reality. Do you remember the children’s story of “The Little Engine That Could”? With the affirmation from “I can’t” to “I can” the little engine’s whole world changed.
It is so exciting to recognize, we may not have won the war – but we have won numerous battles - or we would not be here today. As hard as our life may seem today, we must never give up. Look how far you have already come!

Through positive affirmation we are given a powerful tool for change. Find or create a positive affirmation for the next step of your unfolding. Write the affirmation on numerous pieces of paper. Tape the messages to your bathroom mirror, the corner of your computer, place it in your wallet where you will find it regularly, put it on the home screen of your cell phone and any other place where you will see it many times per day. Then, repeat it aloud and mentally many times during the day. Your life will change. The affirmations you give yourself can be the fuel igniting your life into the direction of your hopes and aspirations. 

You got this! 

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More detailed instruction on using affirmation:

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I took both photos on the Rowny Preserve in Santa Barbara, Spring 2016
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