
Monday, July 30, 2018

July 17 2018

On a quiet path
beside a bubbling clear stream
making headway home.


Considering two sides of the same coin and two colloquialisms.

There is a Colloquialism, it is one of the less common ones, however it is a very good one, as it lends a clear and evocative image of slow changes’ darker side: … Death by a thousand cuts …
On the other hand, there is a colloquialism gaining popularity in America and has come to us from India: … Banat banat ban jai … comes from the Sanskrit and translates as ‘making, making, someday made.

Both colloquialisms speak to the nature of change which comes slowly. However, it is there that the similarity stops.

Death by a thousand cuts … speaks to negative change occurring as a consequence of many many small poor choices or injuries. Each choice alone is of little consequence, however when added up they have tremendous impact and bring dramatic change.

Banat banat ban jai – is also about slow change however, this is about the conscious making of choices which take you in the direction of your true heart. You may go many years and not see any impact – and then - a corner is turned and everything changes.

We are all on The Path and always there is a stream of connection to spirit available to us. We choose whether to connect with that stream and move into life or to disconnect and cut by cut separate from source.
Know – no matter how far we have strayed and created cuts of separation from the whole – yet at any time we can choose to turn around and begin taking the steps to establish changes that can carry us all the way home. 


Photo is Hare Creek and redwoods, Lime Kiln State Park, Big Sur, California USA. I do not know who took this photo - though there is a www in the lower right corner I can not quite make out …


July 16, 2018

Spiral galaxy -
Hem of the cosmic mantle.
Thrilling beyond words.


The Milky Way – our home – manifestation of The Father beyond creation – rather like the trail left by the sweeping of the hem of His mantle across the night sky. Our human eyes can not behold The Father – yet we are offered hints, miniscule enough for us to attempt to hold a concept. The trailing of His infinite consciousness is a concept beyond comprehension. Using the words like a parrot, having no real comprehension as to the meaning. Yet – even the writing or speaking of these words which I do not understand creates an extended sigh – wherein I melt just a bit – diminishing the separation from the whole.
With gratitude and awe for the incomprehensible love which holds you, me, all that is- in exultant dance through eternity. We are awakening to source: Sat Chit Ananda.


“English is a very impoverished language when it comes to describing these high states of consciousness. So, I’m going to jump to a Sanskrit word and then tell you how that translates into English. But the first thing to admit is that it is completely beyond words. The yogis, the masters, say: “He who knows, he knows; no-one else knows”. You cannot describe it. You have to experience it. But the word that they give to it which comes closest is ‘sat chit ananda’. Translated loosely, that means “ever-existing, ever conscious, ever new joy or bliss.” Ananda means bliss, and enlightenment means oneness with that ‘sat chit ananda’; infinite bliss, immortal bliss, all knowing, omniscient, omnipresent Bliss. ‘That is what we really are.”
. . . . Words from Brother Chidanandaji 
 President of Self Realization Fellowship and Yogada Satsanga Society


Photo of the Milky Way by Arnaud Besancon

July 15 2018 Harmony

Morning, song from birds
Mid-day, chant harmonizes
Sunset, daughter sings.


Yesterday was (as always) a perfect day. Sometimes the ‘perfect day’ includes jagged edges and a poor choice or two – and then hopefully lessons learned. Sometimes it is a day like yesterday. Full to overflowing with joyous song and harmony.
With gratitude for the sweet birds who live on the land and share their lives beginning with morning song. To stand on the back deck looking for the sun to come up over the high hill to the east and listen to the winged ones call out - encouraging day’s breaking – a joyful beginning.
With gratitude for sweet human song as friends gather mid-day and with instruments and voice chanting with full throat calling OM – devotion, peace and fervor in abundance.

Then, as life on the mountain settles in for the night and the grand children are making their last run across the land calling out with joyful sound – I sit with daughters – and listen to Starr sharing evening song. The living ones on the land listen and are – like me – grateful.


Aum (Om). The Sanskrit root word or seed-sound symbolizing that aspect of Godhead which creates and sustains all things; Cosmic Vibration. Aum of the Vedas became the sacred word Hum of the Tibetans; Amin of the Moslems; and Amen of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians.


Image is of 2 of my daughters yesterday evening. 
Crystal listens as Starr sends out in a voice
 – in harmony with the land –
 a gift to all. 
The critters on the land listen with thank you in their hearts – 
as do I.
