
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 10, 2018 Naasturium at End of Season

Last of the season
Valiant little nasturtium.
Carries color bright.


Walking the path, I see the annual nasturtiums in decline. Yearly they return to the land in the early spring sharing light and color to catch the eye and delight the senses. Now is the time of the nasturtiums decline until next year.
However, there are a few exceptions. Surrounded by her brothers and sisters who are returning to the elements, yet I see her and a few relatives valiantly reaching up with compassion welded to determination. It is now her time to share a hearty brilliance. Her petals are smaller, thicker, brighter and more stunning in intensity than those that came earlier in the year. She may be saying – “despite the heat and arid clime of this time – now is the time - I will reach out and share beauty with all.’
The blooms coming earlier in the year were larger, lighter and showier. They did not have to work so hard as the temperature was temperate and the moisture though rarely abundant in the hills surrounding the canyon was easily adequate for their needs.
Those coming at this time are hardier stock. Though from the same vine, yet they are a little different to meet the needs of the time.
In the same way, WE WERE BORN FOR THIS TIME. We are hardier and more resilient than we think.
When we see the suffering hearts of those who share this earth walk with us and tears fill our eyes, some think these tears we shed are weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are giving the gift of sacred water (Mni Wakan).
When I was in nursing school, oh so many years ago, I learned; the chemical composition of tears varies related to the internal and external experience of the one who cries.
So, if you cry, let your tears be a portion of your gift to life. May your tears carry compassion coupled with determination to be a part of the healing of this very difficult time. The very composition of the tears you shed will meld with your prayers as conduit for healing.
With gratitude for your tears of love for our Mother the Earth and all her children.



What Happens

What happens when your soul
Begins to awaken
Your eyes
And your heart
And the cells of your body
To the great Journey of Love?

First there is wonderful laughter
And probably precious tears

And a hundred sweet promises
And those heroic vows
No one can ever keep.

But still God is delighted and amused
You once tried to be a saint.

What happens when your soul
Begins to awake in this world

To our deep need to love
And serve the Friend?

O the Beloved
Will send you
One of His wonderful, wild companions -

Like Hafiz.

Links to the science of tears:


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