
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Old Geranium

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Old Geranium
has watched generations.
The peaceful witness.

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The land here at the top of Mission Canyon is replete with geraniums. Though not indigenous to the land, the geranium is well suited to the semi-arid high country. Indigenous to Africa she is a most happy transplant to Southern California.
Every morning at sunrise and every evening near sunset, I will go out on my deck to be with the land. There as silent witness across the land are the old ones.
When I lived in the city I had geraniums, however they did not thrive there as they do here on the wild land. If I knew then what I know now, I would have found a way to give them more ‘wild’ and less manicured to surround themselves. I think perhaps these old ones are like grammas who thrive on being needed and surrounded by the little ones (and not so little ones) who need encouragement. The geraniums here on the land are happy beyond measure and they share that joy, as they dance more slowly than the human eye can track. Peacefully they move across the hillside their bright color contrasting enthusiastically with the predominate green of spring. I think perhaps at least a portion of that joy comes in sharing.
Through color and aroma, they call out to all who share the land with them. The call is not loud and garish. You need to listen with more than your ears. Inclusive to all, geranium calls to those within her realm. Others on the land join in. How can they not, geranium’s call is irresistible in a most delightful way. Geranium calls us to dance and share freely. Geranium calls us to invite in life – abundant life.
With all geranium has seen over generations on the land of Mission Canyon, I think overall, she is pleased with the stewards of this land. She sees that our intentions have been and continue to be good. We are listening gramma. We seek to have the ears, eyes and hearts needed to be cognizant of our surroundings and our effect on all that surrounds us. We seek to learn to slow down a bit – to learn to be still a bit more. Like you, gramma, we seek to share that peace with all.

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Whereas I first began wearing the essential oil of geranium about 20 years ago for its reputed ability to help balance hormones, I have found that for me, it is a heavenly aroma wrapping all in peace. This peace bringing quality has become the reason I now most often choose geranium. 

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The photos chosen are photos i took of the flowers in Mission Canyon,
now resplendent with spring flowers 
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