
Sunday, April 8, 2018

Tilling the Heart

💚 🌸 💜 ❤️ 🌸
The Celebration -
Comes naturally to you
When heart is tilled
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The one who cares for the land and helps bring forth the bounty of the land often tills the land before the planting of the seed. In a similar way we can till the inner landscape of our heart preparing our souls to receive the Holy Spirit.
In tilling the soil, clods / impediments to plant growth are broken down. In much the same way, when we gently rake thru the feelings in our heart - feelings that can obstruct our personal growth can be brought to our awareness and be broken down.
Plants that are not conducive to the intended growth are broken down and removed with the tilling process. As we with introspection become aware and can then cull our hearts of sometimes long held attitudes such as selfishness, fear or anger -these psychic weeds can then be pulled out by the root.
Sometimes needed nutrients are added in at this time, such as compost. In much the same way we add in to our hearts the words of the saints liberally mixed with prayers of gratitude. In this way we create in our hearts an environment rich and ready for growth.
A trough system to create ease of bringing water in is created naturally as the soil is tilled. As we daily, through introspection and meditation travel the neural pathways we open the sacred path through which the waters of life can more easily travel.
Space / aeration is created or improved with tilling the soil. Space between our thoughts naturally occurs and we begin to experience a slowing down and the expansion into peace begins.
Wind and water erosion is minimized by the rough surface of the land after tilling. Outside influences hold less sway in our lives as we become anchored in the immutable and our hearts become at-one with The One Heart.
So, just as we till the soil, we can till the landscape of our hearts creating space for joy to thrive and grow.

💚 🌸 💜 ❤️ 🌸
💚 🌸 💜 ❤️ 🌸

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